川崎富作先生を偲ぶ Thinking of Dr. Tomisaku Kawasaki with the greatest appreciation

Soichiro Kitamura, MD

公財)循環器病研究振興財団 理事長
国立循環器病研究センター 名誉総長
日本川崎病学会 名誉会員

Japan Cardiovascular Research Foundation
Chair, Board of Directors
National Cerebral and Cardiovascular Center
President Emeritus

川崎富作先生の悲しい知らせが届いたのは、新型コロナ感染症の蔓延で国中が騒がしく、落ち着かない最中の令和2年6月5日のことでした。そのため、先生の「お見送りの会」も「偲ぶ会」も行い得ないまま現在に到りました。8月6日の本日、日本川崎病研究センター理事長 今田義夫先生、日本川崎病学会会長 高橋啓先生から日本川崎病学会のホームページ上で追悼文を掲載すると御連絡を頂きました。私は日本の誇りである川崎富作先生にどうしても、もう一度御礼を申し上げたく、筆を執らせて頂きました。


1981年に日本メディカルセンターから出版された「川崎病(MCLS)診断のポイントと治療の実際」は川崎先生監修の教科書で、私にとっては初めての教科書の執筆となりました。1986年には川崎先生と御一緒にハワイでの第2回国際川崎病シンポジウム(会長 S.T. Shulman教授)に参加させて頂きました(写真1)。アロハシャツが大変お似合いの川崎先生、M.メリッシュ先生、私、S.T.シュルマン先生(会長)です。当時は川崎病が国際的に広く認知され、多くの外国人医師達の関心が高まっていった時期でした。川崎先生のゆったりとして、自信に満ちたお姿でした。

2006年には川崎先生は私の川崎病外科治療に対して「武田医学賞」の推薦を自らして下さいました。その時頂いた先生からの直筆のお手紙を今でも大切に残しています(写真2)。そして今や、二度と得られない宝物になりました。先生の御推薦を賜り第100人目の武田医学賞を頂くことが出来ました。テーマは「川崎病による炎疾症冠動脈疾患に対する外科治療の開発」でした。その文集『若き研究者へ贈る言葉』に先生の座右の銘を記させて頂きました。「川崎先生の言葉:運・鈍・根・感・厳 は外科医の臨床研究にも通じるところがある」です。




I received the sad news of Dr. Tomisaku Kawasaki’s passing on June 5, 2020 while the entire country was in turmoil and unsettled due to the spread of the coronavirus disease, and therefore have been unable to hold either a “farewell gathering” or a “memorial service” for him to date. Today, August 6, Dr. Yoshio Imada, President of the Japan Kawasaki Disease Research Center, and Dr. Kei Takahashi, Chairman of the Japanese Society of Kawasaki Disease, informed me that they would post an eulogy on the Japan Society of Kawasaki Disease website. I decided to write because I would once again like to express my sincere appreciation of Dr. Tomisaku Kawasaki, a world-renowned figure in Japan.

Dr. Tomisaku Kawasaki and I specialized differently in pediatrics and cardiovascular surgery, respectively. Nevertheless, for me, he was a leader and inspiring mentor who always went beyond the wall of our specialties. I met Dr. Kawasaki a long time ago, sometime around 1980, when I began bypass surgery using the internal thoracic artery to treat the sequelae of coronary artery occlusion in Kawasaki disease. When I said, “Surgical results have improved. Grafts can grow,” I still vividly remember that Dr. Kawasaki and Mr. Mitsuru Asai (a representative from Parents Association for Kawasaki Disease) were extremely pleased.

“Points of Kawasaki Disease (MCLS) Diagnosis and Practical Treatments,” (written in Japanese) published by the Nihon Medical Center in 1981, edited by Dr. Kawasaki, was the first textbook of Kawasaki disease for me. In 1986, Dr. Kawasaki and I participated in the second International Kawasaki Disease Symposium (Chairman, Dr. S.T. Shulman) in Hawaii (Picture 1). Seen in the photograph are Dr. Kawasaki, who looks very good in an Aloha shirt,
Dr. M. Melish, Dr. S.T. Shulman (Chairman), and I. At that time, Kawasaki disease was slowly but widely recognized internationally, and many foreign doctors were showing increasing interest. Dr. Kawasaki seemed extremely calm and confident.

In 2006, Dr. Kawasaki recommended me for the Takeda Medical Award for my surgical treatment of Kawasaki disease. I still have and cherish his handwritten letter from that time (Picture 2), which has become an irreplaceable treasure. Upon his recommendation, I was awarded the 100th Takeda Medical Award on the topic of “Development of Surgical Treatment for Inflammatory Coronary Artery Disease Caused by Kawasaki Disease.” I quoted Dr. Kawasaki’s motto on the writing collection titled “Messages for Young Researchers.” “Dr. Kawasaki’s words: Luck(運), Stolidity(鈍), Perseverance(根), Sensibility(感), and Rigorousness(厳) have common elements with clinical research by surgeons.”

Although Dr. Tomisaku Kawasaki has passed away, I pledge that the research and treatment of Kawasaki disease will be passed down to many younger colleagues and students.

I extend my deepest condolences and express my sincere gratitude to Dr. Tomisaku Kawasaki.

Dr. Kawasaki in photos

第2回International KD Symposium(1986年)にて(写真1)
Donna CollinsさんのKDのお孫さんの追悼書(2003年)

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