Feeling blessed; with the legend himself

Avinash Sharma

Dr RPGMC Tanda HP India
Assistant Professor

I got a golden opportunity to visit Japan to attend the 12th international Kawasaki Disease symposium. I got this opportunity because of my mentor, Prof Surjit Singh. It was here that I got to see and meet Dr Tomisaku Kawasaki and get his blessings. I still cherish those moments and feel fortunate that I could see him in person. His lively personality was for everyone of us to emulate. I remember the energy that Dr Kawasaki had and the way he enjoyed being in the company of those working in the field of Kawasaki Disease. I pay my tributes to the legend Dr Tomisaku Kawasaki.

Dr. Kawasaki in photos

Enjoying the company of Dr Kawasaki with family members
Seeking blessings from the legend

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