Kawasaki in the Heart – Dr. Tai I Hsin from Taiwan

Tai I Hsin

China Medical University Children's Hospital
Attending Staff

It was my first time and the last time to see Dr. Kawasaki on-site at 2018 IKDS, Yokohama. Dr. Kawasaki’s legend about how he analyzed and published the first case series of Kawasaki disease in the world touched me deeply, and he became my role model then. I have the privilege to join Kaohsiung Chang Gung Hospital Kawasaki Disease Center leading by Dr. Kuo Ho Chang in 2016. We are dedicated to developing novel therapy trials, providing Kawasaki disease children & parents with an education that combines academic study and lifestyle modification. Although I am not familiar with Dr. Kawasaki personally, what he had done is to disseminate truth and to work with others to bring this knowledge to bear on one of the diseases most difficult to diagnose in the world, and therefore I am grateful eternally.

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