Let time bear witness of an intuitive mind, Dr Tomisaku Kawasaki.


Sainte-Justine Hospital, University of Montreal, CANADA
Pediatric Cardiologist, Professor of Pediatrics

The intuitive mind is a sacred gift. It is said that most discoveries are accidental, but not every mind can embody truths among chaos.
Dr. Tomisaku Kawasaki is one of the few whose critical mind and thoughtful vision brought to the world a body of wisdom. Dr. Kawasaki did not simply identify a constellation of signs and symptoms into a syndrome. Dr. Kawasaki was above all instrumental in carrying the weight of his discovery to the highest level, benefitting the myriad of patients around the globe. A teacher and a role model, Dr. Kawasaki will be remembered by all through his sincerity, his kindness and his modesty. We all loved to take a picture with Dr. Kawasaki, and
Dr. Kawasaki shared our joy and pride every single time. We shall never forget the teacher, the legend.

Dr. Kawasaki in photos

A toast with Dr Kawasaki at the last IKDS in Yokohama (2018)
My research team representing the contribution of Sainte-Justine Hospital (University of Montreal) contribution to advances in Kawasaki disease.
Pride of the work behind the certificate, but above all of Dr Kawasaki’s hand signing it.
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